Surround® Tennis Elbow Support with FloamSurround® Tennis Elbow Support with Floam


Comfortable neoprene tennis elbow splint with Floam bladder provides RICE (rest, ice, compression and you supply the elevation).

Suggest your patient put the Surround® Tennis Elbow Support in the fridge overnight and apply it after a shower in the morning early in the course of your condition. This tennis elbow splint is unique in that you place it over the tendon origin unlike most straps.

Floam has no memory, This increases the area of load on bony prominences thus reducing the pressure.

Wraparound design with loop lock velcro type closure for ease of use.


•Tennis Elbow
• Golfer's Elbow
• Bursitis
• Sprains
• Strains
• Tendonitis.

Information on Ordering

Universal design fits most patients and both arms.


• Patented Floam pad
• Fully adjustable strap provides counterforce support
• Fits right or left forearm

Physiotherapy and Tennis Elbow asked James Turgis, a physiotherapist specialising in home visit physiotherapy in London in the UK about tennis elbow. He said: "Steriod Injection for tennis elbow is the best option for rapid help with this condition in the first six weeks and physiotherapy provides a longer term gain over a year".

James told "We know that patients do not like injections but when a Sports Surgeon, with experience in the technique, gives cortisone is a painless procedure and it works well . The outcome is better than lithotripsy and less expensive but more invasive". A prospective, randomised study to compare extracorporeal shock-wave therapy and injection of steroid for the treatment of tennis elbow