The Internet Brace & Support Store for Patients to use with their GMC Registered Doctors WE HAVE BEEN A TRUSTED SHOP FOR PATIENTS AND DOCTORS FOR THE LAST 16 YEARS
Patients are often confused by the jargon used to describe injury, its prevention and treatment. Part of a Doctor's valued role is to translate this jargon into effective therapy that encourages compliance after injury or arthritis.
As a Doctor, this site helps you to help patients choose correctly when they are buying a knee brace for knee injury, wrist brace for wrist injury, or ankle brace for ankle injury over the internet. Your help reduces the cost to the patient, the knee brace supplier, and the environment.
As a Patient you can be sure your Doctor has recommended a high quality product with evidence base that it is being prescribed for the correct indication.
OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com is, first and foremost, an educational website with product placement at its heart. Patients benefit from your informed expert advice on the braces and supports most appropriate for their condition; they also benefit from the cost savings only you can deliver. For example, our range of Procare Wrist Supports and Donjoy Shoulder Slings are a less expensive, higher quality alternative than many found on the high street today.
Managing Director of OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com John Hardy said: "last year 2024 saw a steady year of trading and we have maintained a 85% success rate for next day delivery. We are working hard to improve this in 2025 but customers should know that ordering on a weekend usually gets a delivery Tuesday". The supplier, Enovis UK is improving too with supply and product improvements.
"Spring 2024 is going to be as better for SMEs like us. Stock is warehoused in Belgium and manufactured in the USA and Mexico.
We will try and keep you informed regarding your order and when it is due. We are a company that is determined to maintain this e-commerce only business efficiently. Please be patient with us and the delivery drivers bringing you your products to your door."
Here is what some of your patients, our customers, said about us:
"We have received it. Very pleased with the speed of delivery. Thanks for getting back to me. Great service!. Cheers. Sinead"
"I would like to thank you for the superb advice you provided with regard to the cooler/compressor, even to discussing the size of the hip cuff. I ordered the items yesterday morning, and they arrived safely this afternoon. I was able to track its journey, and as it was due in the afternoon, was able to be here to receive it. I am seeing my physiotherapist later in the week for specific instructions on how long to leave it on for etc, in preparation for my surgery. I am also impressed by your attention to detail, and notably, the inclusion of adaptor plugs. Many thanks. Cynthia"
"In the past I had a brace bent for me in a crude fashion. The new OA Assist Knee Brace from this site allows me to continue to ski with the ability to vary the load onto the worn out inside of my knee from day to day. What relief!"
Google Wrist, Ankle or Knee Braces to see we are one of the top online shops for braces and supports of all types!
Order on line with your patients
Simply click on the product section you are interested in to find out more information and help your patient shop effectively and securely online. Alternatively, measure your patient for the brace you recommend then ask them to order in the comfort of their own home.
OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com is the trading name of ICD(UK)LTD, a Medical Devices Company established in the UK since 1993.
Easy for Patients
Just click on any OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com product image to view online demonstrations and advice from experts for doctors and patients on all sorts of products, from knee braces and knee supports to wrist supports.
Dr Paul Cundy, Wimbledon Village Surgery, said "I recently used the site to show a patient of mine which ankle brace to get following a sprain. I just 'Googled' ankle braces to find OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com. We were on the page for ankle braces within two clicks and had the information on the correct side and size within a third click".
 Busy Doctors - Our PromiseOrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com is proud to be recognised as the number 1 quality brace and support supplier in the UK and Ireland. We understand, through years of experience in this market, how busy you are as doctors looking after patients with knee injury, shoulder injury, wrist injury, thumb injury and finger injury; you want to be able to provide the best care you can to your patients. That is why at OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com we aim to arrange delivery within 48 working day hours of the order being confirmed.
Each knee support, wrist splint, ankle support and every other product is used by General Practitioners, Consultant Neurologists, Plastic Surgeons and Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons all over the UK and Ireland. Many of the products on these pages are endorsed by the experts that use them. |
 Shop SecurityOnline shoppers love the convenience and security of the PayPal Checkout button, where they can pay from their PayPal balance, Direct Debit, or Credit Card.
When you or your patients go to the ICD(UK)LTD checkout at OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com with your braces, supports or Cryo-cuff products your Web browser will only be able to use our secure PCI DSS Compliant connection from PayPal. You do not have to have a PayPal account to pay by credit or debit card (just click on "Checkout Now" and fill the required fields then the "Next" button below and fill in your "Shipping and Handling" preferences and read the T&Cs. Click "Next" and you have the radio buttion option to pay by "Alternative Methods like PayPal" or "Credit Or Debit Card". If you chose the latter the card details need to be filled out on the greyed out text.
This site accepts payments safely in all web browsers.
Remind your patients to click the link back to OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com when they have finished on the PayPal page as this trips an automatic email confirmation of receipt of the order to your patient. Failure to do this may result in a delay in your order arriving.
This secure connection encrypts the Data Protected information sent from your patient to PayPal and from PayPal to your patient. No one can read or change the information. PayPal uses the latest Data encryption, Antifraud risk models, Address Verification System (AVS), Card Security Code (CSC) Verification, and Antifraud specialists for keeping online transactions 100% secure. PayPal adheres to international PCI (payment card industry) and CISP (cardholder information security program) standards for data protection. These standards are designed to help protect your patients and our business from fraud and loss of data.
www.OrthopaedicsandTrauma.com does not do Sales. We do not do Reward Points. We publish the costs of our products up front. Compared to other sites 20% VAT is not added after you place your credit card details. We keep the prices of our braces and supports competitive. Compare the quality and cost of a wrist support you can recommend from OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com with those available on the high street. |
 Fortilax Elastic Knee Support Special Offer
The new Fortilax Elastic Knee Support Special Offer
OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com has maintained the reduction in the cost of their newest and most popular knee support this 2023 for your patient. With unseasonably wintery weather in the UK this has remained our best seller. Your patient will appreciate a support that breaths without being hot and sweaty like the cheaper neoprene alternatives.
Along with our knee braces, this knee support is one of the most popular sold to professional athletes following ACL tears after reconstruction or during rehabilitation before reconstruction.
There is good evidence that these knee supports improve proprioception during activity.
OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com sees the sales of knee supports rise before and during the football season in the UK. Donjoy, the knee support manufacturer, explain that the seasonal variation on the demand for a comfortable knee support, instead of a hot neoprene support, is because patients are becoming aware of an increasing trend towards prevention of recurrent knee injury in football and are well aware that a good support in the ACL injured or reconstructed knee will allow earlier return to football. Cybex your patient after ACL reconstruction with and without this Fortilax Elastic Knee and see the difference!
OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com supply the Fortilax Elastic Knee support to Mr John Hardy for his VIP patients at a Private Clinic in Chelsea, London. The athletes he sees are looking for a knee support that will balance comfort and ease of application. He said: "Most knee surgeons are aware of the studies that show that reconstruction of a torn ACL is associated with a deficit in the threshold to detection of passive knee motion, and during the first year of healing the use of a knee support provides improvement up to two years after surgery so it is the responsibility of the surgeon to advise accordingly. (Beynnon BD, Good L, Risberg MA. The effect of bracing on proprioception of knees with anterior cruciate ligament injury. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2002 Jan;32(1):11-5.).
Remember when comparing prices at OrthopaedicsAndTrauma.com VAT is not added to the prices of these knee braces but a smaller shipping charge is.....